2023-2024 Year In Review!  What has PAWS done?
We would like to thank our entire Woodburn community for your generous support and incredible volunteer efforts this year. 
We had huge support this year in all of our fundraisers. Payback books did great, Read-A-Thon exceeded its $5000 goal, dine arounds were well attended and the Carnival & Silent Auction had record breaking attendance and revenue. 
And because of your generosity and support, PAWS was able to directly impact Woodburn students and staff considerably this year.  
We would like to celebrate the following contributions to Woodburn:
  • $9,100 awarded in teacher and staff grants
  • $1,200 - Legacy Grant funded for 4th grade Capitol trip
  • $7,075 - Legacy Grant funded for Literacy kits
  • $6,015 - IXL Math, Scholastic News, math testing software
  • $1,220 - Student Morale & PAWS Cares Funds (Reptile Man, Health Room clothes/supplies, etc).
  • $6,480 - Student/Community Events (Harvest Festival, Carnival, DJ Dance Party)
  • $2,890 - PAWS Art program
  • $850  - Taproot Anti-Bullying Assembly
  • $1,470 - Staff Appreciation 
TOTAL: $36,300
*This is just a snapshot, not an actual total

As we look ahead to next school year we are planning to provide $9,100 in teacher grants plus we are preparing to provide an additional $11,000 in Legacy Grant funding to offset budget cuts in Fall 2024. 


Want more information? 

Review our 2023-2024 Paws Budget and Spring General Membership Meeting minutes from June 6,2024. (click here to view minutes)


Have questions? 

Contact Amber Walsh at president@woodburnpaws.org 





  • *Your PAWS account ensures you receive our updates, can volunteer for events, and process online payments. But look to ParentSquare for updates from Woodburn and the district. RETURNING FAMILIES: please update your account each school year to keep your account active. NEW FAMILIES: click here to create an account







Do you want to be more involved in your child's school?  

We are looking for energetic parents who want to be engaged in the Woodburn community.  Maybe that person is you!  


Open Board Positions:

  • Co-Volunteer Coordinator
  • Co-Treasurer

Fill our our 2024-2025 PAWS Board Application Here


We are also looking for parents to help as project leads and volunteers for our PAWS art program. You can learn more about the open lead positions and volunteer opportunites on our website or email Amber Walsh at president@woodburnpaws.org for more information.  





Keep Your Account and Background Checks Current


We'd like to remind returning Woodburn families to update your PAWS account when you've received your teacher assignment.







Also, to volunteer in the classroom with the Integrated Arts Program, at school events, or on field trips, you also need to complete the Camas School District's Volunteer Form, which includes a background check.


To complete the school district's background check, you can set up or update your account in the online volunteer management tool and then walk through the steps to complete your application. More information can be found here. Once completed, the approval lasts for two years and you can login to review the expiration date (though you may not be able to renew until the expiration date).




Upcoming Events


On Facebook

Thank You Sponsors!

Thank you to our generous 2023-2024 Woodburn Carnival sponsors!




Keep Your PAWS Account Current

To receive PAWS communications, submit volunteer sign-ups, pay for PAWS items such as yearbooks, etc., you’ll need to have an active account at woodburnpaws.org. While you’re creating or updating your account, please complete the PAWS Volunteer Opportunities form so we can connect you with events in which you’re interested. Accounts must be updated annually and you will be prompted to update information when you log in each new school year.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Enroll in the reward program.

Enter Woodburn’s enrollment number: 88659