PAWS Integrated Arts Program at Woodburn



A entirely volunteer-run art program that reaches all Woodburn students; focuses on making art, and presents project lessons based on key elements of art.



Help students develop an understanding of art as a way of learning about themselves, and the world around them.



There are no mistakes in art! We start our first project with many classes by reading Barney Saltzberg’s Beautiful Oops. Saltzberg demonstrates how a torn piece of paper, or a drip of paint, can become something amazing when you explore your creativity.



We focus on students doing art, more so than art history, major artists, or specific techniques. Although this focus may change at some point, PAWS decided to begin the program that way.


Each lesson highlights one to three elements of art:

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Form
  • Space
  • Color
  • Value
  • Texture

Past lessons have included watercolor, batik, ceramics, weaving and print-making. 



Click here to view our PAWS Integrated Arts Welcome Video


The PAWS Integrated Arts Program has been developed and implemented by parent volunteers. Program organizers work on the curriculum for the year and once school begins create a schedule with Woodburn teachers.


Volunteer tasks include:

  • In classroom—Lead or assist with lesson (training provided), including: set-up, distribute supplies, encourage students, help students stay on task, clean-up.
  • During school day—prepare project supplies (cutting materials to size, portioning paint into cups and so on), prepare/restock supply bins for each project and classroom, fire clay in kiln.
  • Evenings/weekends—prepare projects to go home with kids (like clay pendants with instructions for hanging), prepare project supplies, shop for supplies, help at PAWS events that have an art program presence.
  • Fundraising

Come volunteer with us and see what fun we are having! No special creative or artistic skills required. If you're interested, please complete the PAWS Volunteer Opportunities form and include the Integrated Arts Program in your selections. Once we have a schedule, we'll contact everyone who is interested. Thanks!


Remember: to volunteer in the classroom with the Integrated Arts Program, at school events, or on field trips, you also need to complete the Camas School District's Volunteer Form, which includes a background check. To complete the school district's background check, you can set up or update your account on the new district online volunteer management tool and then walk through the steps to complete your application.


Once completed, the approval lasts for two years and you can login to review the expiration date (though you may not be able to renew until the expiration date).


Any questions? Email