Field Day


Field Day is quickly approaching – Tuesday, June 20th to be exact!  If you are signed up to bring Otter Pops and Donut Holes, donations can be dropped off anytime between Monday, June 12th and Thursday, June 15th.  We will have a table set up outside the main school entrance for donations.
If you have signed up to be a volunteer, please plan to check in with the front office when you arrive, sign in as a visitor and get a visitor sticker before reporting to the gym or field for your game/activity.  Please be on time because Field Day promptly starts at 8:30 (arrive by 8:15) and 12:30 (arrive by 12:15)
We still have a few spots available (especially for donut hole donations!), so please consider signing up to fill the last few spots!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 8:30am – 2:30pm