Payback Book Sales
Payback Book Sales
This year Payback Books are bigger, they sell for $18, and $10 from each book benefits our school! Order between September 6th-24th.
For your child to be eligible for prizes, we must have all money (with the checks written out to WOODBURN PAWS) by September 24, 2024.
Over $60 in grocery savings at Chuck’s Produce, Rosauer’s Grocery & Natural Grocers!
3 books sold = win crazy putty
5 books sold = win a $5 Amazon Gift Card
10 books sold = win a $10 Amazon Gift Card
Additional school wide prize: If we sell over 600 books our entire school will earn a fun Spirit Day celebration!
Woodburn Elementary School is selling the 2024-2025 Payback Book to raise funds that will be used by Woodburn PAWS to fund math and reading software, teacher grants, and the PAWS Art Program. This is one of our largest annual fundraisers! If you’re new to our school, Payback Books are coupon books that include discounts at local businesses such as fast food and dine-in restaurants, shops, and attractions.
After surveying parents last year, we found an even divide between families wanting Payback Books sales and those who favored a direct donation option. If you prefer to simply make a donation, you can do so using the "Donate to PAWS" button in the Quick Links section of the sidebar.
- Share info on our Payback Book sale with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. A list of merchants can be found at
- There will be a flyer with a scratch-off app subscription code and order envelope sent home with your student(s). To purchase this flyer with code, you can return your sealed envelope with cash or check, or pay online *keep the flyer you purchased. Each individual flyer code will be entered on the app which will give you access to the coupons.
- If you are selling additional “books”/flyers with app-subscription codes to friends and family, please collect their payments (you can indicate if they have paid online), place them in the sealed order envelope, and return them to your child’s classroom teacher. We will tally all “books” sold at the end of the sale period.
- Online payment is the easiest way to purchase books. Go to the PAWS website,, and click on the Payback Book Order button under Quick Links. Login to your account to speed up the process, or if others wish to place an order on your student’s behalf, they can do so without creating an account. Send your order form back with your student and write "paid online."
- If you prefer to pay by cash or check, return those in your sealed envelope. Checks should be made payable to “Woodburn PAWS.
- If you choose not to participate in this fundraiser, please return your unsold flyer and order envelope to your child’s classroom teacher.
- For your child to be eligible for prizes, we must have all money (with the checks written out correctly) and orders received by Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
- Ordered flyers will be distributed via your child’s classroom teacher upon completion of the sale period.
Questions? Please contact Taylor Cox,
Thank you for your support!
Woodburn PAWS
- ONLINE ORDERS! Online payment from our website is the easiest way to purchase books. Login to your account to speed up the process, or if others wish to place an order on your student's behalf, they can do so without creating an account. Send your order form back with your student and write "paid online."
- If you prefer to pay by cash or check, return those in your sealed envelope. Checks should be made payable to “Woodburn PAWS.”
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, January 15
- Thursday, January 16
- Friday, January 17
- Saturday, January 18